2018 Charity Week
19 December 2018The 2018 Charity Week is in full flow – with students hosting an assortment of fundraising activities in aid of this year’s chosen charity, Cornwall Air Ambulance.
The fundraising got underway on Monday, with a Students v Teachers basketball match taking place at lunchtime – pupils even got the chance to see the skills of Mr Walker!
Tuesday’s fundraising saw students striking poses in front of the camera, as part of the Christmas-themed photo booth. Meanwhile, there were a huge range of delicious and marvellously decorated cakes on sale.
Students’ delightful assortment of stalls lined the school street on Wednesday afternoon – packed with handmade Christmas decorations, Christmas cards, cakes, bracelets, and much more.
The final day of term (Thursday 20 December) is non-uniform day, and the final day of the 2018 Charity Week. Students are asked to bring along £1 to participate, as we look to make the final fundraising push and enjoy the final day of term in style!
As an extra incentive, students and members of staff will be dressing up in Christmas-themed costumes for every £100 raised after the total reaches £600!
Thank you for your kind donations throughout our 2018 Charity Week.