
2023 Penryn & Falmouth Foodbank Collection

24 November 2023

In recent years, we have held a collection for the Penryn & Falmouth Foodbank as a way of supporting the local community at Christmas time.

We are aware these are difficult times financially for many families, but any contributions towards this year’s collection will be gratefully received.

Donations can be handed in at our main reception rather than in tutor bases, so that pupils don’t feel pressured to contribute.

Students will have an assembly next week, in which they will learn about the role of foodbanks. They will be able to donate from the date of their assembly up until Friday 15 December.

Below, you will find a list of the items that are currently needed.

As always, thank you for your support.

Generally Needed

Savoury biscuits
Tinned potatoes
Tinned carrots
Dry pasta meals
Microwave rice packets
Tinned meat meals
Long life milk
Toilet rolls
Washing up liquid
Tinned tomatoes
Dry cat food
Washing tablets
Shower gel
Tinned peas
Carrier bags

Christmas Food Hampers

Tinned ham
Tinned meat meals
Tinned potatoes
Tinned carrots
Tinned green vegetables
Tinned sweetcorn
Gravy granules
Cranberry sauce
Christmas puddings or similar
Tins/packets of custard
Tinned cream
Tinned fruit
Trifle packs or fruit jelly
Mince pies
Christmas cakes or chocolate logs