
2023 Pre-Season Sport Experience/Training Sessions

25 August 2023

Check out all the details and sign up for our Year 7 Pre-Season Sport Experience and Year 8-11 Pre-Season Training Sessions below!

Year 7 Pre-Season Sport Experience

This is an exciting opportunity for our new Year 7 students to participate in the annual ‘Pre-Season Sport Experience’, as organised by the PE & Lifestyles department here at Penryn College.

Scheduled for Tuesday 29 August, the sessions aim to provide a glimpse of the activities that will be available to pupils in September.

In previous years, the majority of students have chosen to attend the full-day experience, which runs from 9.30am to 3.00pm.

For more detailed information, and to confirm your place, please click here.

Year 8-11 Pre-Season Training Sessions

This is an exciting opportunity for students in Years 8-11 to participate in our annual ‘Pre-Season Training Sessions’.

Scheduled for Tuesday 29 August and Thursday 31 August, the sessions aim to give students a head start for the return to competitive sport in our major sports, which start at the beginning of September.

This is also a great opportunity for students who may not have previously played netball, rugby or football to take a new opportunity to do so.

Please click here for the session options.

Please note that, due to additional sessions taking place, times and dates have been updated since the July form was created; therefore, please ensure you use the latest form via the link above.

Year 11 Performance Sport students are expected to attend or e-mail the teacher, including their sport, to send apologies if, for example, they are working and cannot attend:

Football – Mr Ash (

Netball – Miss Elliott ( and Miss Lushington (

Rugby – Mr Tucker (

Thank you

As the summer draws to a close, we wish you and your family a wonderful few remaining days of the break. We hope this opportunity serves as a great transition into the upcoming academic year.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our Director of Lifestyles and Community Mr Tucker via