
A Message From Our Student Plastic Free Club

22 July 2022

Dear Community,

Did you know that more than five trillion pieces of plastic are floating in our oceans? It’s our responsibility to help our planet but it’s hard to do it alone. It’s easy to forget about how plastic is infiltrating our food chains, but we need to try and make an impact, no matter how small.

Our Plastic Free Club is working hard to inform the Penryn College community about the huge issue of plastic pollution. We are working with Surfers Against Sewage to help prevent more damage being done to our environment and provide you with ways in which you can help too.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Quit chewing gum at school, it is a small pollutant, but it all builds up.
  • Try to bring a reusable water bottle into school. This way you don’t have to use single-use plastic cups.
  • Buy paper or reusable metal straws. Plastic straws are terrible for wildlife, so an eco-friendlier option can help our ocean wildlife.
  • Never leave litter behind. Recycle everything that you can. Only leave your footprints behind.
  • Try not to use plastic cutlery. Wooden or metal cutlery is much better for your soup or noodles.

Best wishes,

The Penryn College Plastic Free Club