
Coronavirus Update

03 April 2020

Please see Mr Walker’s latest update below:

Good afternoon. I hope you are well. 

Virtual School Work

Thank you for your mammoth effort during the last week of the spring term. As a team, we managed to put the whole school online. I know how much effort that you would have put into this as parents and carers – downloading, checking, cajoling, and calming things down – and it really made a huge difference; the completion and quality of work was excellent. 

Also, thank you to those who were so kind in their messages to staff – it makes such a difference and I can assure you that these messages are shared. We know there are areas to improve on following vital feedback from parents and carers, and we are working on these at the moment. The key area appears to be the amount of work set, and we will try to learn from this. Remember, if your child has any problems accessing, completing, or submitting work, please let us know before the set completion date and we will take this into consideration; there should be no need for upset.

In terms of completing work, we ask that students sign off the work they have completed on the Virtual School, so we are aware of what they have done. We also know that those students who started work early in the week found this easier.

Please note that all work for the first week after the Easter break will be set by 12.00pm on Tuesday 14 April, and should be completed by 10.00am on Friday 17 April.


I am sure many of you will be aware of today’s announcement from Ofqual, regarding GCSE exams. We will be working as a school to understand our part in this process, and we will continue to update you.


We will be writing to Year 11 parents/carers regarding a survey for students’ post16 options. This will help us develop our transition programme with our partner colleges. Please return this survey as soon as possible, so we can plan this carefully.


If you have any questions, or require any assistance, please e-mail secretary@penryn-college.cornwall.sch.ukOf course, feel free to e-mail me if I can help in any way.