Coronavirus Update
09 April 2020Please see Mr Walker’s latest update below:
Good afternoon. I hope you are well and have managed to have a restful break.
Work for week beginning Tuesday 14 April
All of next week’s work should be on the Virtual School by midday on Tuesday 14 April. The deadline for completed work is Friday 17 April at 10.00am. As always, if there are any problems with completion, please contact the relevant teachers – they will understand. If there are any other issues with accessing work, please call 01326 372379, or e-mail We will do our very best to help, so please don’t let anything cause you or your child any upset or stress. To help your child plan and complete work with minimum stress, I have written a five-point plan, which you can access by clicking here.
GCSE grades
We have sent an e-mail to all Year 11 parents, carers, and students, which provides details of the arrangements for GCSE grades this year. This contains some very important information, so please take time to read it through.
We will also be sending an e-mail to all students enrolled on the Year 10 Fast Track RE course who were due to sit exams this summer, and their parents/carers. We hope to have this with you by Wednesday 22 April.
Post-16 transition work
We are working with post-16 providers to support Year 11 students moving to college. Mrs Snowdon has sent an e-mail asking for some information. Please ask your child to respond this as soon as possible – this will allow us to provide the best support possible.
We still have many students’ books at the school. If you or your child would like these for home learning, please e-mail and we will make arrangements to get them to you.
Online books app
We are pleased to inform you that our online reading book app is now live, with over 1500 books available. Students can access this resource via the Sora app on their iPads, and sign in with their 365 login. Please click here for any help and guidance, or e-mail
Finally, I hope you have a pleasant Easter weekend. I am looking forward to seeing how the home learning goes next week.
Take great care and stay safe.