Coronavirus Update
12 June 2020Please see Mr Walker’s latest update below:
Thank you for all your hard work and support.
Year 10 on-site programme
This week has been our first week with expanded teams of staff using the redesigned school building. It has gone well and it has been really good to see the teams in place and operating so effectively. This should give us the capacity to provide our Year 10 on-site programme, which we launched with parents this week. If you a have a child in Year 10 and would like them to attend our programme from the week commencing Monday 22 June, we would urge you to contact reception or e-mail if you have not done so already. This will allow us to plan our work carefully and safely. For those students who choose to come in, we will be holding our online inductions on Thursday 18 June and Friday 19 June.
Year 11 – GCSE grades
This week is the finale of a huge piece of work in submitting our GCSE grades for Year 11. These will now go to the exam boards so they can be moderated and used to set a final grade for students, which will be released on the planned date of Thursday 20 August. Our team have been meticulous in the process of submitting these grades using all the information they have on our students. These grades remain embargoed and it is now up to the exam boards to complete the process and award the grades to students across the country.
Year 11 – Transition
Over 140 Year 11 students have taken part in our transition programme supported by over 30 teaching staff in the last month. Of the 140 students who engaged, over 100 have made a strong commitment to the month-long transition programme. We are really proud of them for taking the initiative and preparing themselves for next year. Not only should this programme support the transition, but hopefully it will allow students to now draw a line under the work, and move on and enjoy their summer – we will ensure the colleges know that they have the very best coming to them next year! A big thank you also to the staff team who supported this work.
Online teaching
Our core aim over this period is to set engaging work, mark it, and feedback each week. As time has progressed, we have managed to develop our teaching in this way and the feedback is that this is working really well for students. In order to develop our range of teaching tools further, this week we began to trial some live teaching for lessons in GCSE PE, English and Music. The trials are designed to test this way of teaching to ensure that it is efficient, effective and safe, and supports our main provision. They have gone very well and we have received excellent feedback from students and staff. We have more online delivery planned next week; students will be alerted individually if they are involved and will have a set of protocols that they will need to adhere to.
Thank you for your sustained commitment and support. As always, your feedback makes things better, so do not hesitate to contact me with your views, good or bad.
Paul Walker