Coronavirus Update
18 March 2020Please see Mr Walker’s latest update below:
Following this evening’s announcement from the Prime Minister, I would like to inform parents/carers that the school will be open tomorrow and Friday. This will allow us time to understand all of the implications of this announcement, and prepare accordingly; it will also provide us with the opportunity to ensure students are prepared to work from home.
In addition, we will work on our provision plans for specific groups of students, including pupils whose parents/carers are key workers.
The Prime Minister also made a statement regarding this summer’s exams. The details and following implications of this statement are not yet clear; however, I am sure you will understand that it is important for us to have Year 11 students in school tomorrow and Friday, if medically appropriate, so we can inform them of any plans and updates. Our Year 11 pupils have been magnificent this week, and we believe it is vital that we work with them in the coming days in order to deliver the necessary information.
This is a worrying and difficult time for everyone, but we shall endeavour to make the best of what is a very tough situation for our students and the wider community. As you know, we meet as a group of senior staff each morning to make plans, and I will provide you with an update tomorrow.
As always, thank you for your continued support.