
Coronavirus Update

20 March 2020

Please see Mr Walker’s latest update below:

Good afternoon. I hope you and your family are safe and well.

I would like to update you on the following:

Key workers

Thank you for letting us know if you are a key worker – the deadline to inform the school of this was 9.00am this morning. We are working hard to ensure we provide the best provision for the 100 students we believe will be in our care. We will communicate a detailed plan to the key workers who have registered with us later this afternoon.  


We have collated students’ books. Those pupils who are on site will collect them with teachers this afternoon. If your child is not in school, we are happy for books to be collected on Monday, 12.00pm – 6.00pm, or Tuesday, 8.00am – 6.00pm. Please do not visit the school site if your family is self-isolating.

Free school meals

If your child is eligible for free school meals, we will contact you with the arrangements this afternoon. This provision will be made through the school canteen.

Students working from home

We will issue work for students via the Virtual School from Wednesday at 9.00am. I know we originally planned to have work available for pupils from Tuesday, but I am sure you will understand that a lot of our efforts have been put into ensuring classes are covered and everyone is safe and cared for. Staff need time to plan and prepare high-quality activities for this very new and different way of working, therefore, on Monday, we will be holding a staff meeting in order to ensure we have everything in place moving forward. Following this meeting, we will send you clear guidance on our expectations for students, and detail the steps you and your child can take to make this a positive and effective learning experience.

For now, there are two vital steps you and your child can take:

  • Ensure your child has a working, connected, and charged iPad, and that there is access to Wi-Fi;
  • Ensure that we have your current e-mail address.


I will continue to send parents/carers an update each day – these updates will be communicated via e-mail, our website, and our social media pages. Our front office is staffed, and phones will be manned Monday – Friday, 8.00am – 6.00pm. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to raise any concerns. If staff cannot answer your questions immediately, we will make every effort to provide you with answers as soon as possible.

I look forward to sending you our ‘working from home’ guides on Monday.

Have a restful weekend and take care.