
Drama Club Students Perform at Falmouth University

14 January 2019

Drama Club students took part in a Cornish women-inspired Drama Showcase on Friday.

The Showcase took place at Falmouth University, with each participating school performing a 10-minute piece on a woman of choice. Indeed, Penryn’s pupils created a play which focused on Emily Hobhouse – a British welfare campaigner who helped save the lives of women and children during the Second Boer War in South Africa.

Students produced scenes which showcased their performance skills, including storytelling through narration and devised scenes from verbatim and physical theatre.

Speaking following the performance, Creative Arts Teacher, Miss Mitchell, said: “Our pupils were the first on stage, and set the bar high. Their performances were exemplary, and for many, it was the first opportunity to perform in front of a large audience outside of Penryn College.”