
Fantastic Faraday Challenge!

14 November 2023

The renowned IET Faraday Challenge returned to Penryn College last week, as students from several Cornish schools, including our own, took on real-world STEM challenges!

This year’s brief was to create a prototype – with at least one working electrical component – to support road users or workers constructing and maintaining our roads.

Additionally, each of the six teams that took part had to consider the following for their final design: how it would benefit people, how it would keep users/workers safe, how it would care for the environment, and how everyone would be able to access it.

Along with the event hosts, Watson Marlow employee, Chris, and Cornwall Council employee, Sam, were on hand to offer their advice and expertise to pupils throughout the competition.

Indeed, the experts congratulated each team for their fantastic efforts!

Congratulations to all teams, including winners, Redruth School!