Hogwarts for the day: 20 Years of Harry Potter!
04 July 2017On June 26th 1997 JK Rowling released the first book of her Harry Potter series. 20 years later, and the books are still a firm favourite in our library!
To celebrate the anniversary, Literacy Co-ordinator Chloe Ribenfors organised a day of magic. “We were keen to do something to celebrate Harry Potter’s 20th Anniversary as transcending various generations, the books are popular with both students and staff.”

Fred and George Weasley!
“In different subjects, students focused on a range of activities: orienteering; map-contouring; potions ratios; Quidditch and many more. Tutor groups were invited to take part in a quiz and at lunch time various fun activities were available to engage students who love the novels and entice those who haven’t read any Harry Potter before”.
“My personal highlights were the Harry Pot-ato entries whilst students enjoyed some of the interactive activities; flocking to hear Professor Trelawney tell them their literacy-focused future and gathering around the Goblet of fire to see who had won the Horcrux hunt.”
There was also a staff costume competition judged by the students.
Congratulations to Mr Herring (3rd from left) and Miss Hourigan (4th from left) – joint winners of the Harry Potter Day costume competition, as voted for by students.