Holidays During Term Time/Absence Request Form

Please can we remind parents/carers that students should not be taken out of school for holidays during term time, unless under exceptional circumstances.

Please can parents/carers consider the following very carefully before taking their children out of school for a holiday during term time:

The Penryn Partnership Absence Request Form (available below this text) needs to be completed and handed in prior to the time of the absence, explaining why the absence cannot be taken during the school holidays. You may be invited into school to discuss your request.

The school will only authorise the absence in exceptional circumstances.

When a request is received for a holiday during term time, each one is looked at on an individual basis. Parents/carers are then informed of the decision, with a letter sent to confirm this. They are also made aware of the legal information from the local authority.

If your child is absent from school without authorisation, you will be committing an offence under the Education Act 1996. We may submit a request to Cornwall Council for a Penalty Notice to be issued, in accordance with Sections 444A and 444B of the said Act.

Penalty Notices are issued per liable parent, per child and each carry a fine of £80 if paid within 21 days or £160 if paid after this but within 28 days. Failure to pay the Penalty Notice may result in legal action. Absence not authorised by the school may result in a prosecution in the Magistrates’ Court under Section 444(1) or Section 444(1A) of the Education Act 1996, leading to a fine of up to £2,500 and/or a custodial sentence. Cornwall Council may also apply for the costs incurred in taking the matter to Court.

Pupils need to attend school for both academic and social reasons, and every day missed is over five hours of learning that the child has to catch up on. An absence of five days equates to over 25 hours of learning missed.