
In Pictures: Our Great Get Together!

19 June 2017

The Great Get Together is a nationwide, neighbourhood celebration which was held over the 16th-18th June. It was inspired by MP Jo Cox, who was killed on June 16th last year. Her famous quote “We are far more united and have far more in common than which divides us” was the key message behind this event, and the basis of a series of assemblies on recent events in London and Manchester. 

“We will get together to send our message that we promote tolerance for everyone, regardless of background, sex and religion.” the invite read. Many others across the UK joined together over the weekend to celebrate support and unity within the communities.

Staff and students brought picnic blankets, food, stories and smiles and used these to get to know each other a bit more. It was a fantastic event enjoyed by all – as you can see from the photos!

In Pictures:

There was a fantastic turn out of staff and students, ready with blankets, snacks and stories to share.

There was a fantastic turn out of staff and students, ready with blankets, snacks and stories to share.

Thumbs up for the Great Get Together!

Thumbs up for the Great Get Together!

Of all the things shared, smiles were the most common!

Of all the things shared, smiles were the most common!

Some of the staff spread - Yum!

Some of the staff spread – Yum!

Students and staff share a game of cards.

Students and staff share a game of cards.

Kai shows off his skills!

Kai shows off his skills!

What a beautiful day for it!

What a beautiful day for it!



Year 11s enjoying their last full day at Penryn College!

Year 11s enjoying their last full day at Penryn College!


Thank you to all the staff and pupils who shared their time and belongings on this wonderful day. It was also our year 11’s last full day! We are sad to see them go but wish them all the luck for the future. They will be returning later this month for their leavers celebration – stay tuned!