Mr Walker’s Update
02 September 2020Please see Mr Walker’s latest update below:
Dear Parent/Carer(s)
I have included the guidance documents for the return to school with this update. The documents include a parent/carer guide (please click here to access) and a student guide (please click here to access). We have tried to keep them as succinct as possible, but we also want to ensure you have all of the necessary details. We have supported the plan with another one of Mr Angove’s videos that were very popular last term – this should be ready by Friday. An e-mail will be sent to parents and carers when this is ready to be viewed, and will also be available via our website and social media channels.
As always, if there are areas which you believe are unclear, or you are unsure about anything, then do not hesitate to contact me; I will contact you as soon as possible.
Reminder of return days
Just a reminder that we are looking forward to seeing students back at the school on the following days:
Monday 7 September: Year 11 only
Tuesday 8 September: Year 7 and Year 11
Wednesday 9 September: Years 7, 11 and 10
Thursday 10 September: Years 7, 11, 10 and 8
Friday 11 September: All year groups
There have been some recurring questions that I have tried to clarify in this update, but I would urge you to spend some time going through the detailed guidance documents which are attached.
Face coverings
We know this has been a hot topic in the press recently. Our arrangements are for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 to walk around the building to access classrooms, and then be supervised on their way to classes. Year 11 students will be the only pupils in the building. As a result of our arrangements, we will follow government advice and will not ask students to wear face coverings at this stage. However, it would be excellent if they got into the habit of having face coverings in their school bag. If your child would like to wear a face covering in school, then that is fine, as long as it is appropriate; no scarves, please!
Transport to school
In line with guidance, students are asked to wear face coverings on transport to school.
Access to school site
We would ask that parents and carers do not access the school site to drop students off in the morning. There is also no access through Penryn Primary. Due to these restrictions, we will open up the access at the bottom end of the school field, which can be accessed at the bottom of Trevance Road, or through the industrial estate. We would also ask that you do not come onto the school site to collect students immediately after school. However, if your child is attending an after-school club, and you would like to collect them after 4.00pm, this will be allowed. We know these restrictions are inconvenient, but we would like your help in this area, please.
We are not planning to make lockers available to students until at least half-term. This is because students will not be in the building unless they are going to lessons. We know that this may cause some problems, and students will need to pack carefully for each day. The PE & Lifestyle department will be clear about the equipment pupils need to bring into school, so that students don’t bring any kit that is surplus to requirements. Please note that uniform will be required to be worn every day.
Football boots for use on the STP
A reminder that students will need to use football boots when using the STP. Guidance for this was sent out in my last update, which can be accessed here. Please remember that the STP will not be used until at least October, and if your child has not got any suitable boots, we will have a supply that students can borrow. We are sorry if this has caused any upset. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact our Head of PE & Lifestyle, Mr Tucker, via
Break and lunchtimes
I know some parents and carers have concerns about breaks and lunchtimes, particularly during wet weather. We only have two year groups on break or lunch at any one time in outside areas (remember, Year 11 pupils are allowed in the Canteen and lower Street area), so in the event of wet weather, we will be able to accommodate a year group indoors, either in the Sports Hall, Activity Studio, or the TISA, where students will be in a safe, well–ventilated, and supervised space.
We strongly advise that, where possible, students arrive at school with a packed lunch and their own snacks. Food will be available and served in the relevant break and lunchtime areas, but there will be very limited hot food on offer, and sandwiches. Those students in receipt of free school meals will, of course, be able to access the catering service for their lunch.
Thank you
Thank you, again, for all your support. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any issues.
Paul Walker