New Date for Year 9 Options Evening/Options Subject Fair
28 January 2022Unfortunately, due to the current situation and some staff and Year 9 students still having to isolate, we have taken the decision to postpone the Year 9 Options Evening which was scheduled to take place on Tuesday 1 February. We sincerely apologise for this, but we feel it is in the best interests of all students and their families.
We know how important this evening is to Year 9 students and their families, and we would like to make sure that we can safely meet face to face. With this in mind, we would like to extend the opportunity to parents/carers to speak to Options subject teachers on Tuesday 1 March 2022, 5.00pm – 6.00pm, as part of an Options Subject Fair in the Sports Hall, which is well ventilated and has plenty of space.
The Year 9 Options process will be launched during the week beginning 14 February via assemblies and tutor time. Students will make their choices on their iPads, and parents/carers will then be able to verify these choices via their own login. We really appreciate you taking the time to support your child’s subject requests. We expect the Options form to be live from 12.00pm on Tuesday 15 February for students; they will be able to amend their choices up until Friday 4 March.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please e-mail