Able Students – Humanities


Head of Department/Contact Lucy Chapman


Contact Miss L Chapman

All KS3 students have the opportunity to join History leaders who meet once a week at lunch time. They raise the profile of History across the school and organise and run events and assemblies. For example they make and deliver assemblies for Remembrance, Holocaust Memorial Day and St Piran’s Day. They also run activities linked to these events such as quizzes, cake sales and a pasty competition. Additionally every year they plan, resource and deliver a primary school field trip to a local history site. Previous years they have taken Constantine Primary School year 3 to Carn Euny Celtic Village, carried out activities relating to tin mining in Constantine woods and taken year 6 from Mawnan Smith Primary School to a Celtic Hill Fort. These field trips involve the students learning about the history first and then creating engaging activities for the students to enjoy and learn from.

Able students are pushed in class to complete stretch activities which run along side the whole class taught content. These stretch activities are clearly labelled on every PowerPoint slide. Students are encouraged to attempt these tasks after completing the classwork. Tasks range from asking students to read online articles which will extend and develop their knowledge, completing on line quizzes, answering more in depth questions relating to the topic being taught or answering higher level questions which require a great deal more thought and understanding. Stretch activities are never just more of the same!
On occasions staff will publicise and encourage students to enter national history competitions as well.

Year group 9
Event Royal Geographic Society Student Ambassadors
Description Royal Geographic Society Student Ambassadors from the University of Exeter hold a workshop and presentation on their experiences of studying Geography at university and the opportunities that this can provide for future careers. Held at Penryn College.

Contact Mr D Venton

Year group KS4
Event Environment & Sustainability Day.
Description A chance for students to be introduced to the ever-evolving world of environmental research and take part in a range of live practical experiments and research investing a global environmental issue which bridges the disciplines of Geography, Mathematics and the Sciences.  Held at the University of Exeter’s Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI).

Contact Mr D Venton
Dates March 2018

Year group All Years
Event Geographical Association World-Wise Quiz
Description An opportunity for students to compete against other Cornish schools in the annual Geographical Association Quiz.
Contact Mr D Venton

Year group All years
Event Geographical Leaders
Description Work with other schools and primaries to deliver lessons and develop a love of geography.
Contact Miss T Lambert

Year group All Years
Event History Leaders
Description Work with other schools and primaries to deliver lessons and develop a love of geography
Contact Mrs L Chapman

Year group All Years
Event Amnesty Club

Year group 9
Event Philosophy and Ethics Full Course GCSE.
Description Year 9 Students start their full Course Philosophy and Ethics GCSE.
Contact Mr. G Parekh
Dates Spring Term