
School Non-Uniform Day Raises £938 for Mental Health Charity YoungMinds

19 May 2021

Penryn College’s Mental Health Awareness Week-themed non-uniform day has raised £938 for YoungMinds – a charity that strives to support the mental health of young people.

The non-uniform event was part of a number of activities that were organised by the school’s Charity Prefects in order to show support for last month’s nature-themed Mental Health Awareness Week. And thanks to the generosity of students, parents/carers and staff, the charity fundraising total reached almost £940.

As part of the non-uniform day, students and staff were asked to wear a yellow item of clothing as another symbol of support – and they didn’t disappoint. From hats and football shirts, to ‘Minion’ suits and back packs – pockets of yellow appeared all over the school.

Reflecting on the fundraising event, Headteacher, Mr Walker, said: “A big thank you to everyone who contributed towards our fundraising non-uniform day. Everyone in our school community really played their part in raising awareness of a very important issue.

“Particular thanks goes to our Charity Prefects, who did a fantastic job of organising the activities throughout the week.”

Indeed, students took part in daily mental health-related activities including mindful colouring, team building games, word challenges, and more. Also, as part of the theme of ‘nature’, members of staff shared photos of themselves enjoying their beautiful outdoor surroundings. You can check these out below!

If you would like to find out more about Mental Health Awareness Week, please click here.