Shining the Light Fantastic! Our amazing Arts Leaders involved in a first for Penryn and Cornwall!
28 September 2016Penryn will see an original light show projected onto the walls of Penryn Town Hall this weekend (Saturday October 1st 8-10pm). It’s a real highlight of the town’s 800th birthday celebrations. And all from images created by our Arts Leaders! Wow!
Images for the light show have been created from photographs taken and edited by Penryn College students. The images feature current pupils and aspects of the school building, as well as animations of historical figures associated with the town’s history.
Our art leaders have been working with artists and an anthropologist from Luxmuralis, the genius behind awesome light shows all over the country! We can’t wait!
KS3 Art club make giant puppets for the Penryn 800 Kemeneth Procession on 8th October
Penryn is also holding a one day fantastic street party to celebrate its 800th birthday. Heloise Hayman and a small group of students have been making Adam, Eve and Devil puppets for a giant puppet procession. They will be one of 20 puppet procession groups creating a spectacular sight for the town at 11 am. The day will be filled with entertainment – there are three stages including the big top with bands, poetry, theatre, Cornish dance, circus and a Heritage market. Go and cheer them on!