Staff List

Mrs C Croxall

Mr D Mather - Deputy Headteacher - English
Mrs B Laing - Deputy Headteacher - Geography
Mr J Lushington - Assistant Headteacher - Maths
Mrs F Williams - Assistant Headteacher - English
Miss K Blackburn - Assistant Headteacher - PE
Mr R Tucker - Assistant Headteacher - PE
Mrs S Childs - Leading Practitioner
Mrs J Woodward - Chair of Governors

Mrs C Adams - English
Miss A Allen - Head of Music
Mrs C Alsop - Science
Ms L Aonso - Textiles
Mr L Barker - Maths
Mr C Bidgood - PE
Mrs A Bowman - English
Mr S Brown - Science
Miss S Brown - PE
Miss O Carter - Humanities/Head of History
Mr D Chanter - Science/Assistant SENCo
Mr A Cheetham - Science/ITT Coordinator
Mr A Childs - Maths/Science/Head of STEAM
Miss J Cullen - Second in Science
Miss L Curtis - STEAM
Mrs N Duke - Modern Foreign Languages
Mrs K Dowling - Head of History
Miss N Edgell - Science/Outdoor Education Coordinator
Miss S Elliott - PE
Mr M Erents - STEAM
Mr B Gillo - ARB Lead Teacher
Mrs J Godfrey - Art
Mr P Graham - Science
Mrs A Green - Art
Dr K Green - Maths
Miss N Greenaway - Head of Year 8/Geography
Mr D Guerrero-Becerril - Head of Spanish
Mrs H Gunn - Humanities
Miss I Hayes - Science
Mrs B Herring - English
Mr G Herring - Head of Year 11/English
Mrs V Hitchens - Maths
Mr M Holmes - PE
Miss S Jackson - Maths
Miss R Moore - Food & Nutrition
Miss G Lane - PE/Second in Lifestyle
Miss H Lushington - PE
Mrs J Lushington - Geography
Mrs H Manclark - English
Mrs N Male - English
Miss S Marsh - ARB Lead Teacher
Mr R Marshall - Head of Art
Mr C McDonagh - Humanities
Miss C Mitchell - Media/Drama
Mr L Mustin - Science
Mr J Nancarrow - PE
Miss S Nowell - Head of Creative Arts
Mrs M Oates - Art
Miss M O'Connor - STEAM
Ms E Oldrieve - Humanities
Mr R Penhaligon - Maths
Mr A Pikesley - Head of Year 7/Geography
Mrs R Plunkett - English
Mrs N Pointon - English
Mr M Porter - Maths
Mr J Pratt-Leonard - English
Miss E Quinn - SEN
Mr D Reading - Head of Year 9/Modern Foreign Languages
Miss M Real - Music
Miss C Reid - Drama/Dance
Mrs C Ribenfors - Second in English
Mr D Ribenfors - Head of Modern Foreign Languages
Miss A Ryan - PE
Mr C Shepherd - House & Character Lead/PE
Miss H Smith - PE
Miss S Smith-Wells - Humanities
Mrs F Spargo - SEN
Dr C Stamper - Head of Science
Mrs B Stivey - Maths
Miss A Stone - STEAM/Cover Teacher
Miss E Sullivan - RE/History
Mrs D Sutcliffe - ARB/SEN
Mrs E Teagle - Head of RE/SMSC
Mr R Tucker - Head of PE & Lifestyle
Mrs N Tyley - ARB/SEN
Dr E Van Veen - Head of Year 10/Science
Mrs N Wade - Science
Mr L Walker - Maths
Mrs E Westhead - Head of Humanities
Ms T Widdon - Teacher
Miss E Williams - Head of English
Ms T Wright - Maths
Mr A Yule - STEAM/Head of ICT

Mr J Angove - Press & Social Media Co-Ordinator
Ms K Barton - Finance Officer
Mrs M Bennett - HR Administrator
Mrs S Burley - Finance Assistant
Mrs V Cooper - SEN Administration Assistant
Mrs C Francis - Cover Administrator
Mrs C Guimaraes - Student Services Administrator/Receptionist
Mr D Holland - Attendance Officer
Mrs J Heard - Lettings Admin/Evening Receptionist
Mr D Holland - Attendance & Welfare Assistant
Miss H Laugher - Office Administrator & Receptionist
Mrs Y McKeown - Exams Officer
Mrs K Oliver - Office Administrator
Mrs A Pellow - Attendance Officer
Mrs S Price - Operations Manager
Mrs J Pyatt - PA to Headteacher/Clerk to Governors/Office Team Leader
Mrs S Quinn - Office Administrator
Mrs T Smith - Data Officer
Mrs N Spencer - Data Manager
Miss N Stone - Finance Manager
Mrs S Sutherland - Office Administrator & Receptionist
Miss C Travell - Office Administrator & Receptionist
Miss L Walters - Data & Appeals Officer
Mrs B Withers - HR Manager

Mr J Ash - Study Support Programme Manager
Mr D Bowers - Sports Development Officer

Mrs K Snowdon - Work Related Learning, Library & Learning Resource Manager, Alternative Provision Lead
Mrs H Windscheffel - Work Related Learning/Library Assistant
Miss L Salmon - Work Related Learning/Library Assistant
Mrs L Jenkin - Work Related Learning/Library Assistant

Ms C Ashby-Zwozdiak - Humanities
Mrs E Ball - RE
Mrs N Brown
Mrs C Kaack - Geography
Mr N Sutton - Business & Enterprise
Mrs S Tildesley - Science

Mrs C Albert - Science Technician
Miss N Cleveland - STEAM and Science Technician
Miss S Gay - Textiles/Food & Nutrition Technician
Mrs L Hartgroves - Senior Science Technician
Mr J Parkes - Creative Arts Technician
Miss G Phipps - Art Technician
Mr J Thomas - Creative Arts Technician

Mrs F Williams - SENCo
Mr B Gillo - SEN Head of Faculty/Mental Health Lead
Mrs A Annear - Individual Support
Mr L Bennett - Individual Support
Mrs J Binny - Student Progress Officer
Mrs J Bissett - Student Progress Officer
Mrs M Collins - Student Progress Officer
Mrs A Court - Student Progress Officer
Mrs L Edson - Student Progress Officer
Mrs S Hamilton - Individual Support
Miss S Jermyn - ARB
Mrs A Jones - French Language Assistant
Miss J Mack - Student Progress Officer
Mrs N Mannix - Personal Care Assistant
Miss L Morrissey - Student Progress Officer
Miss E Mason - Individual Support
Ms J Payne - Individual Support
Mrs T Pennock - Individual Support
Mr L Prynn - Boys' Mentoring/SEMH Activity Instructor and Alternative Provision
Miss C Richards - Individual Support (ARB)
Ms T Robbins - Individual Support
Mr G Stevens - Individual Support
Ms M Titheradge - MFL Assistant/Individual Support
Mrs J Turner - Individual Support
Ms D Watts - HLTA (ARB)
Mrs L Wayland-Edgson - EST Lead
Mrs N Williams - Tier 2 Physical Needs Co-Ordinator
Ms Y Wright - Student Progress Officer

Miss G Bowers
Mrs K Cahill
Mrs L Pinch

Mr P Baker
Miss S Bowers
Mr G Eva
Mrs L Gordon
Mrs G Henderson
Mrs T Opie
Mrs D Richards
Mr L Richards

Mr K Thomas - Premises Manager
Mr C Richardson - Assistant Premises Manager
Mr G Webber - Premises Team
Mr J Bull - Premises Team
Mr D Ramsey - Premises Team

Mr S Pell - Systems & Technologies Strategic Manager
Mr S Weeks - ICT Network Manager
Mrs L Reines - ICT Technician
Mr A Cleworth - ICT Technician

“I feel my children are treated as individuals, which is very important.”
