Weekly Highlights: 25 January – 1 February
04 February 2019It was an action-packed week at Penryn College last week, with a host of events, inspections and positive news in and around the school.
News that Penryn College had secured a strong position in the Government League Table for Student Progress within Cornwall kicked the week off in fantastic fashion, before Monday’s Year 7 Subject Review Evening – with teachers welcoming Year 7 students and their parents/guardians into the school for informative conversations, detailing pupils’ progress on a range of subjects.
Heading into Tuesday, Ofsted began their two-day HMI pilot inspection of the school, during which they were able to test the new national framework. Following the visit, inspectors supplied an abundance of positive feedback to Headteacher, Mr Walker.
Fittingly, the Half-Term Achievement Management Awards presentation took place on Wednesday – the final day of Ofsted’s visit – and celebrated students’ exemplary, good-natured behaviour and academic achievements. Teachers and parents/guardians watched on as pupils received certificates and congratulations from Mr Walker, Assistant Head Mrs Oliver, and Year 10 pupils Sebastien and Dora.
Meanwhile, throughout the week, Year 11 students sat the first five days of their Mock Exams, which also run into this week.