
Weekly Transition Update

03 July 2020

Please see Mrs Walker’s latest update below:

Good afternoonI hope you and your family are well.  

Yesterday, the government published guidance for opening all schools for all year groups and we are delighted that we will be in a position to welcome all of our students to the College in September. We are now studying the government guidance, and planning how we will use it to deliver the best experience for all students, while keeping everybody as safe as possible. We should have initial plans regarding this next week; we will communicate these in our next update.  

Transition tasks 

Next week, all new Year 7 pupils attending Penryn College will receive further correspondence from myself in the post, which includes some transition tasks we would like them to complete 

Transition video 

We have also prepared a transition videothis will be available on the Penryn College website popups by Wednesday 8 July. We hope you enjoy watching this, we had fun filming it! Its purpose is to excite, reassureand hopefully answer some frequently asked questions.  

Appointments with tutors 

If an appointment with your child’s new tutor was requested, further information regarding this will also be in the letter you receive in the post next week.  

Enjoy your weekend and take care. 

Angela Walker 
Head of Year 7/Transition