Weekly Update
10 July 2020Please see Mr Walker’s latest update below:
Good afternoon!
Year 7, 8, and 9 work has been completed, and students in these year groups can now look forward to the Virtual Activities Week next week! If you have not had a chance to take a look at the Virtual Activities Week booklet, you can access it by clicking here. These activities should be completed by 10.00am on Friday 17 July.
Year 10 students are nearly there! Just one more week of work and one more day in school for those who have been attending the on–site learning in recent weeks. Year 10 work will be set by midday on Monday 13 July, and students need to submit this work by 10.00am on Friday 17 July.
Year 11 equipment return
It’s been great to see our Year 11 students this week. If your child missed their slot to return their equipment, please make sure they come in on Wednesday 15 July. Please let us know what time your child will be coming in via We desperately need iPads returned for our new Year 7 students!
Reports and catch-up work
Next week, teachers will be reviewing all of the classes to understand exactly where each student is in each subject, so that we can carefully plan next year’s curriculum and lessons. The following week (week beginning 20 July), tutors will complete reports for all students. These will be posted home at the end of term.
During the final week of the term, we will be helping invited students complete work in preparation for September. Following this, all staff will begin to prepare for the start of the new term.
As you know, all schools will be open to all students in September. We are currently working on plans to ensure that we operate as safely as possible. We should have initials plans ready for next week. As always, if you have any areas of concern, please contact me.
We are looking forward to welcoming all students back to school in September, but we know that some of our young people have medical vulnerabilities that we will need to plan and prepare for. We will continue to keep contact with those parents/carers and students during the next nine days. If you have any medical concerns about your child that we are not aware of, please contact
Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend.
Paul Walker