
Year 7 Team Building Challenge Days

14 March 2019

In recent months, Year 7 students have been taking part in Team Building Challenge Days within Penryn College’s on-site climbing, problem-solving and adventure area.

The fun-filled days consisted of pupils getting to know each other, working together to learn new skills, and challenging themselves. 

Penryn Euros were awarded to the groups who demonstrated the best teamwork, perseverance, and resilience during the initial tasks. Pupils were then able to spend their Penryn Euros, allowing them to buy equipment, create their own self-built shelters, and enjoy barbecue food cooked by members of staff.

The students were extremely well behaved during each of the Challenge Days, and persevered to find out the solution to the tasks set.

Year 7 Team Building Challenge Leader, Mr Gillo, said: “A big thank you to the Year 7 tutor teams who supported these Challenge Days, and to parents for organising students and providing food.”

Due to adverse weather conditions, a number of Challenge Days were postponed, and there is now one tutor group left to complete their Challenge Day. The date of this event is to be confirmed.