Careers Resources/Websites

This page provides information on some fantastic careers resources, including online lessons and live-streamed talks.


Apprenticeships: The government’s websites provide information on how pursue a apprenticeship-based role, plus other useful details. There are two areas you can visit: Area 1 and Area 2.

Barclays LifeSkills: The Barclays LifeSkills website helps people discover their interests and skills and find the path to future success. Please click here to access the Barclays Lifeskills website.

Careerpilot: Careers information and tools for 11-19 year olds, all in one place. You may have seen Careerpilot’s job posters in the Penryn College newsletter. To access the Careerpilot website, please click here.

Cornwall Opportunities: Information on a wide range of upcoming career-based events in Cornwall. Please click here to visit the Cornwall Opportunities website.

CSW Group: The CSW Group provides contracts that support businesses, young people and adults through key transition points. Please click here to access the CSW Group website.

FutureTalentEd: FutureTalentEd provides resources and advice for young people, and connects schools and businesses, enabling an information exchange between educators and employers. Check out the summer term FutureTalentEd digital magazine here. You can also access the FutureTalentEd website here.

Get the Jump: Click here to access the wide range of education and training choices available. uses personal stories to inform and inspire young people’s career choices. The site features over 1000 videos of real people talking about their careers – explaining their job roles, career paths and how different factors have shaped their choices. Click here to access the website.

Jobs in the Hospitality Industry: Check out the download box below to access a host of vacancies with local employers in the hospitality industry.

LikeToBe: LikeToBe helps students explore careers, engage with potential employers and build their employability skills. Click here to access the LikeToBe website.

Maritime Webinars: Are you interested in working in the maritime industry? This series of lessons by Maritime UK is an amazing resource for anyone interested in a job in the maritime industry, and has been designed to shine a light on the workings of Britain’s maritime sector. Click here to access the lessons.

National Careers Service: The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help people make decisions on learning, training and work. Please click here to access the National Careers Service website.

Next Steps South West: Next Steps South West helps young people navigate their own personal journey to higher education. Please click here to access the Next Steps South West website.

NHS Careers: The NHS Careers website provides valuable information on the 350+ different careers within the NHS. Please click here to access. 

Speakers for Schools: The Speakers for Schools website provides young people with a fantastic opportunity to watch free live-streamed talks from leading figures in various job fields. Click here to access the Speakers for Schools website for more information.

Start: Start provides a huge amount of information on almost every job role within almost every industry. Please click here to access the Start website.

UCAS: UCAS is the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service – an independent charity providing information, advice, and admissions services to inspire and facilitate educational progression. Click here to access the UCAS website.

Unifrog: Unifrog brings all the available information into one single, impartial, user-friendly platform that helps students to make the best choices, and submit the strongest applications. Click here to access the Unifrog website. Check out the latest Uniform Subject Discovery webinars via the download box below.